

Our Minecraft servers offer unlimited player slots, providing you with flexibility and room to grow your community. However, should you encounter any performance challenges, consider upgrading the RAM configuration to enhance your gaming experience.

Below are our recommendations for Players and Plugins based on RAM configuration

RAM Players Plugins
1-2 Players 1-2 Plugins
1-4 Players 2-4 Plugins
1-6 Players 3-6 Plugins
1-8 Players 4-8 Plugins
1-10 Players 5-10 Plugins
1-12 Players 6-12 Plugins

RAM Players Plugins
1-14 Players 7-14 Plugins
1-16 Players 8-16 Plugins
1-18 Players 9-18 Plugins
1-20 Players 10-20 Plugins
1-24 Players 12-24 Plugins

RAM Players Plugins
1-30 Players 15-30 Plugins
1-36 Players 18-36 Plugins
1-48 Players 24-48 Plugins
1-60 Players 30-60 Plugins
1-72 Players 36-72 Plugins
1-96 Players 48-96 Plugins

  • //elevatedservers.com/img/gamebanners/minecraft.png" alt="Minecraft Banner" style="width: 100%; height: 100px;"> 100%; width
  • 13px; /* Adjust the font size as needed */ font-size
  • 1px solid black; border
  • collapse; border-collapse
  • left; text-align
  • 10px; padding
  • flex; display
  • 0 0 30%; /* Adjust the width as needed */ flex
  • 10px; /* Adjust the margin between tables */ margin-right
  • 1 GB
  • 1.5 GB
  • 2 GB
  • 2.5 GB
  • 3 GB
  • 3.5 GB
  • 4 GB
  • 5 GB
  • 6 GB
  • 7 GB
  • 8 GB
  • 10 GB
  • 12 GB
  • 16 GB
  • 20 GB
  • 24 GB
  • 32 GB